Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Google Ad Sense has blocked my Blog! Apparently someone is unscrupulously messing with my URL and I didn't feel a thing! What happened to my eyebrows? Or the wild hairs of my forehead.

I am feeling my Lenny Bruce leaking out! I want to go on stage in a seedy comedy club and read newspaper clippings and the court transcripts of my arrest and trial by Google for blocking my blog from earning a few pennies through AdSense! I want to be banned from appearing on Ed Sullivan (no...wait he's dead)! I want to be banned from the Late Show with Craig Ferguson (no...he's still alive, but his career's dead.)! I just want to be banned! I'm a BAAAAAAD boy. Wait a minute. It now says I have some wonky traffic on my URL and I have to get it taken care of somehow. Traffic? How in the H*ll do I do that? Blogger...why did you sell out to GOOGLE!?

Ad Sense is the click bait  you see on any blog and is similar to those freaking ads that annoy the crap  out of you showing up in your email and Facebook hawking items you looked up recently. Click on the ad and the owner of the URL earns money. Not every blog can do it. There are rules and I passed with flying colors. My account is set up and ready to go. However, you can't see ads when you are writing, editing or previewing the post. So you don't know if ads are appearing or not.

I happened to click the earnings link just to see how it all works and I was hit with a red alert. One said I had another account with them and the other said my blog fell outside their parameters of good taste. I was flabbergasted. I might throw a naughty word in here or there but I certainly didn't discuss adult themes...well I do address adult themes but not those adult themes. On the other hand I did write something about pornography being gobbled up by a super secret shadow corporation but that was in reference to a film. Not one of those films. For crying out loud 8 mm skin flicks and videos are so '70's or 80's. It was a movie on Netflix.

I only wanted a couple of ads connected to the blog because it kind of legitimizes it and fills some of the vacant widget spaces that create strange gaps on the page. But having to go through all this crap is hardly worth the effort and frustration.  So, if you happen to see an ad one of my  pages you are reading you may see them as a nuisance, but you will know that I prevailed in my battle with the mega giant Google! Be happy for me. The little guy can win!

This eyebrow thing has got to stop! No one told me they would go completely out of control after the age of 50! Nobody bothered to explain how Leonid Brezhnev was actually bald but could cover his forehead with up-swept brow hairs. I don't want to look like that, but without careful grooming I could. I spend more time clipping marauding facial hairs then I do shaving! Somehow they went from a pleasing feature aiding in expression and good looks to a wiry tangle of non-specificity. Adult women can have a wild hair on their chin or aureole or lower back but they don't suddenly become brush bristles and spread to ears, nose and eyebrows! Gals, if I am wrong let me know, but I believe it to be true. Of course many of you shave off your brows and pencil them back in with some looking like a contestant in a drag show sporting an expression of perpetual surprise. To each her own, I suppose.

It has been said God has a sense of humor. I can see that evidenced almost every day just by watching the antics going on in Washington DC. But when it comes to my becoming an eyebrow clone of Leonid...I ain't laughin'!

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